

Google I/O 2010のApp Engine関連セッションの予定テーマまとめ

Google I/O 2010のセッション一覧が発表されてました(thx! > @shot6)さっそくApp Engine関連のセッションを抜き出してみましょう。

This session will cover how to build, test, and maintain large-scale data pipelines on Google App Engine. It will cover maximizing efficiency, productionization, and how to deal with changing requirements.

App Engine上で大規模なデータパイプラインを構築、テスト、運用する方法。憶測:MapReduceみたいな分散バッチをTask Queueで実装…って感じでしょうか? それともMapRecudeそのもののリリースだったりしてwww

  • Appstats - RPC instrumentation and optimizations for App Engine / Guido van Rossum
Appstats is a pure userland library (for Python and Java) that inserts instrumentation hooks into the App Engine runtime at the interface between the runtime and services like the datastore. The collected statistics can be browsed in a rich UI which allows drilling down to various levels of detail. The talk will also discuss common optimizations to address typical findings.


  • Data migration in App Engine / Matthew Blain
Learn about the App Engine bulk loader and see an example of migrating data from an external data source into the app engine datastore--and back out. Do you have data stored in a traditional, relational DB which you'd like to upload to App Engine? This session will teach you how.

App Engineバルクローダーでのデータ移行方法について。

  • Cloud cover: using App Engine as a highly parallel unit test harness / Max Ross
Unit testing is a critical part of the development process no matter where or how you plan to deploy your app. If you're using App Engine, you can actually run your unit tests in the cloud. In this talk we'll discuss strategies and tools for running existing test suites using both the local development environment and production resources.

Cloud coverってクラウド環境上で単体テストを並列に実行するツール…でしょうか。既存のテストケースをローカル環境とクラウド環境で実行する方法やツールについての説明。

  • Next gen queries / Alfred Fuller, Ryan Barrett
We will discuss the status of various features and advances in the Datastore query engine. This will include the solutions we plan to provide for full text search and their implications. We will also cover sorting and filtering with zigzag merge join and what types of queries this enables.

キタコレ全文検索! そのほか次世代クエリ機能によるソートやフィルタリング、zigzagマージジョインなど。
